Tuesday, November 18, 2008

In Florida

Tuesday, November 18 - Port St. Lucie, Florida.

It's been several days since our last post, but nothing much is going on here. About the only thing worth mentioning is the weather. Last week, when we arrived at Port St. Lucie, the weather was hot and humid, and stayed that way through Sunday. However, yesterday the high temp for the day was about 71, and today we didn't see the temperature rise above 70 all day. It was sunny, though. In fact, we haven't seen a cloud since last weekend.

Last Saturday, we went down to visit an old friend in Jupiter. When we called her on Friday, we found out that a drunk driver had crashed into her condo - right into her kitchen - about a week before. When we got there, the workmen were busy closing the hole in her kitchen wall. In fact, by the time we left, it was just about closed up. However, her kitchen was not, and probably will not be usable for quite some time.

We spent Sunday and Monday working on our lot here. We mulched the plant beds and put in a couple of new plants to add some color. On Monday, I had the motor home washed to get the road grime off from the trip. It's looking pretty good now. We had planned on having our concrete pad power-washed and painted/sealed to keep it from getting mildewed from the weather, but we found out that there is a moratorium on doing any work in the park until some issues have been worked out with the City of Port St. Lucie. Apparently, when the permit was issued to Outdoor Resorts of America to build the park, the covenants approved by the city only included the concrete pads, water sewer and electrical hookups. Since then, many owners have made enhancements on their lots, such as adding outdoor kitchens with water, refrigerators, stoves/grills, and lighting. None of the enhancements were completed with permits from the city, so the city has deemed them to be illegal!! We will have to wait until the city sees fit to allow the owners to go forward, but with legal work permits in the future.

So, we leave Port St. Lucie on Thursday morning for Massachusetts. We should be home by Friday night, if all goes well. We will remain in Massachusetts for the holidays, returning to Florida sometime after Christmas. Hope to see everyone over the holidays to catch up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Mom & Dad!
We're getting the house all ready for your arrival, and Aaron is so excited to see all 4 of you. He was playing in the office today while I was cleaning up, and he stopped suddenly and said, "Mom, I feel like I'm going to cry (because) I'm so excited that Beasley is coming home." Then he proceeded to say, "The first package that will come will have Beasley in it, the second package will have Wilson in it, then Mimi's box, then Pepere's, since he's the biggest and the biggest packages always come last." Aaah ... the mind of a 5-year old!