Thursday, September 4, 2008

Movin' West - Day 3 (Part II)

OK. We're back from the casino and, sad to say, we were unsuccessful in augmenting our travel purse. God, I hate gambling! If it weren't for "bad luck", I'd have no luck at all! At least the food was edible. Note to COB - the pulled pork sandwich was excellent. You would have loved it!

In this rain, getting in and out of the motor home is an adventure. We have a good-sized puddle outside our door which is getting to be ankle-deep at this point. In order for us to get out to the car, I pulled the picnic table over by the door so that, when we step out, we can step onto the bench of the picnic table and walk to the other end and jump onto higher ground. Unfortunately, the table is not quite stable in its current position, and Kathy tried to walk on it and it started to wobble. She went off into the puddle and got her tootsies wet. Fortunately, she was only wearing sandals (rubber Crocs), so she didn't ruin a pair of shoes. By the time we got to the casino, the rain was coming down sideways due to the wind, and my umbrella almost got blown away.

Meanwhile, back at the MH, the dogs were having a very good time. By the time we got back, the throw rugs were all rolled up and their toys were everywhere. Beasley was still doing "laps" when we came it, he was so excited that we were back! He was running around the MH with his "cow", jumping from couch to couch and standing on his hind legs, pumping his forepaws. Too bad the camera was not available. Fortunately, for us, they did not get into any of the food - Kathy put it too far out of their reach.

Tomorrow will be much better weather-wise, according to the local weather. This rain should end during the night, and we will be greeted with partly cloudy skies tomorrow AM as we head out toward western Iowa. We are targeting the area in the vicinity of Omaha, NE - actually, where I-80 intersects I-29, just south of Sioux City, IA. There have not been any photo opportunities, as yet. Nothing very interesting to see so far. Maybe we'll get a few shots of the Empress Casino before we depart tomorrow.

Stay tuned!

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